
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage


- Supports women's reproductive rights and women's right to choose.
- Opposed a Supreme Court Ruling that supported abortion ban and the prohibition of funding to groups that supported abortions.
- Drew criticism by signing an order of banning the use of federal funds to pay for abortions except for the cases of rape, incest, and if the woman's life was in danger.
- Also was criticized by succumbing to the Catholic church and making a compromise that provided contraception to insurance companies rather than birth control.

- Personally opposed abortion, but as a governor, he would be pro-choice.
- Massachusetts became a "pro-life" state
- Believes abortion should be decided by the states.
- Refused to sign an anti-abortion pledge made by Susan B Anthony organization.
- Does not require churches to give away contraception.

Same Sex Marriage

-In favor

- Believes marriage is " between one man and one woman"
- Supports domestic partnership

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