
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The President and Vice President Are....

Barack Obama and Joe Biden for being re-elected!!!!!!

270 electoral votes are needed to win.
Obama won with 274, Romney got 201.
The result was from Ohio.

Many people thought of giving Obama a second term as he has made progress, especially compared to how it was before he started. Obama's policies were mostly in favor of the middle class and poor, which is a greater portion of the population than that of the richer class that Romney's policies favored. Because of this, more people voted for Obama. Now that he has a second term, the plans he pushed for the past 4 years that have been rejected by the congress can now be implemented for the future in hopes of improvement. 

Presidential Election Updates

8:31 pm update:
Mitt Romney - 50.5% 
153 Electoral Votes

Barack Obama - 48.7%
123 Electoral Votes

9:51 pm update:
Mitt Romney - 50.5%
173 Electoral Votes

Barack Obama - 48.2%
148 Electoral Votes

10:17 pm update:
Mitt Romney - 50.1%
200 Electoral Votes

Barack Obama - 48.6%
234 Electoral Votes

Monday, November 5, 2012

Romney Criticisms

"Mitt Romney sucks, pass it on" has become a viral Tumblr post that has gotten over 9 million notes. 

In the first ever political debate, Mitt Romney “made a slip” according to political experts. The question asked dealt with education for underprivileged children in the United States. During Mitt Romney’s answer, he slipped the words, “poor children” but soon corrected himself to, “less fortunate children”. Critics “went off” on Romney criticizing him by stating that he “has no respect” and is a “selfish human being who doesn’t understand”. “One small mix up of words, can make or break you,” says an expert at the Washington Post. These words have been held against Mitt Romney ever since they came out of his mouth. Since the publication of the secret video, in which he addresses the "47%" partially consisting of the poor and elderly, he received a flood of criticism from the media, Democratic party, and even his own Republican party.

After criticizing Obama's response to protests in Cairo and Benghazi, and the killing of the American ambassador in Libya, tons of criticism came not to Obama, but Romney instead. People said he distorted the timeline of the Egyptian embassy's response to the protests and made a harsh insult on the White House. 

Where's Waldo?

Obama and Romney Campaign Stops


The map above, which shows events from the White House schedule, reveals that Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have stepped up their game ever since Romney became the presumptive GOP nominee in April. In the last two days alone, the president gave four campaign speeches in three states.

Obama campaigned in the states of Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Virginia, beginning his campaign day at Mentor High School near Cleveland in the key state of Ohio. After the stops in Milwaukee and Dubuque, the president wrapped up with a late night event in Virginia that included an appearance by Clinton, who agreed that Obama's economic policies mirror his.

Polls give Obama slight leads over Romney in Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa, though Romney aides say they are closing the gaps. The Virginia race is considered quite close.


After being elected as the Republican candidate to run against Obama, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have seized their chance in making a statement among many people. They have been to every swing state to help sway the electoral vote towards their favor, especially the east cost. Also to some of the "blue states" like California, which has an electoral count of 55. 

On the last day of campaigning, both men campaigned in the states they need to win. Romney was in Florida, Virginia, and New Hampshire. Both candidates visited Ohio on Monday.

Obama Criticisms from Republicans

Romney and aides say Obama's "big government" policies are creating the slowest recovery in decades, including an unemployment rate near 8%. 

Romney spokesman Ryan Williams also cited a comment Obama made Friday in Ohio, telling backers that "voting is the best revenge."

Ryan Williams said, "With no record to run on and no vision for the future, President Obama is resorting to false, discredited attacks and a cynical closing message urging voters to choose 'revenge.' Mitt Romney wants to bring people together and he wants Americans to vote for love of country." 

When Obama was giving his speech to the nation on Thanksgiving day, many Americans were flabbergasted when Mr. President failed to mention God all together. "Holy cow! Is that one screwed up or what?" says columnist Sherman Frederick of the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Several opinion writers have brought up this incident several times in columns and articles during the 2012 election in hopes of swaying votes the other way. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What Influenced Voters Most

Oct. 27-31 USA TODAY/Gallup Swing State Poll of 1,183 registered voters, Margin of sampling error +/- 4 percentage points for all questions except voting intentions.

Majority of people are influenced by the debates, with 62%.

Shocking Swing States Poll Data

It's a tie: 48% - 48%.
This presidential election may be one of the most anticipated yet. 
The data that has been collected has proved over and over again how close this race may be. 

Obama has improved his standing in the past few weeks by regaining support among women in the swing states. The gender gap — that is, the disparity between the way men and women vote — stands at historically high levels after narrowing in the early October. 
Obama now leads among women by 16 points; Romney leads among men by 10.

A year ago, voters in the battlegrounds weren't particularly excited about this presidential race.

In the first Swing States Poll, in October 2011, fewer than half said they were enthusiastic about the election. That number rose only to 51% in late January, during the heat of the battle for the Republican nomination. That's 10 points lower than at that point in 2008, when there were nomination fights in both parties.

Obama's Reasoning On Why He Should Be Re-Elected

Issue that will make or break his re-election campaign: 

Many people call it the Great Recession. 
Hammered by Republicans who say that he is steering the country in the wrong direction and that his policies haven't worked, Obama made a series of reforms to crack down on Wall Street practices and instituted programs to help small-business owners and consumers. 

His stimulus plan, which temporarily helped boost the economy, has failed to significantly drop the record-high unemployment rate of 9.1%

Obama, who came into office facing the fiscal crisis, says economic recovery will need years to fully kick in. That's why, his campaign says, he needs to be re-elected.

Ways of Communication

To reach out to their potential voters, candidates use various ways through the media.

  • Radio
  • Television
  • Speeches
  • Bill boards
  • Internet
  • Newspapers
  • Cable news network
  • Travel logistics

Candidates who are on a budget can use creativity and a software program to make an advertisement and hope it goes viral.

Candidates can send emails everyday to their supporters and potential supporters.

Candidate websites are also a way for people to find out more about them.

To the younger generation, Facebook or Myspace pages can provide valuable information and links to the candidate's page.

Hooray for the internet ~ !

Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage


- Supports women's reproductive rights and women's right to choose.
- Opposed a Supreme Court Ruling that supported abortion ban and the prohibition of funding to groups that supported abortions.
- Drew criticism by signing an order of banning the use of federal funds to pay for abortions except for the cases of rape, incest, and if the woman's life was in danger.
- Also was criticized by succumbing to the Catholic church and making a compromise that provided contraception to insurance companies rather than birth control.

- Personally opposed abortion, but as a governor, he would be pro-choice.
- Massachusetts became a "pro-life" state
- Believes abortion should be decided by the states.
- Refused to sign an anti-abortion pledge made by Susan B Anthony organization.
- Does not require churches to give away contraception.

Same Sex Marriage

-In favor

- Believes marriage is " between one man and one woman"
- Supports domestic partnership

Foreign Policy

- Foreign Policy seen as negotiating and working with other nations.
- Finishing 2 wars, taking out US troops from Iraq, and setting a date in 2014 to pull out most of the troops in Afghanistan.
- Osama bin Laden raid has strained US relations with Pakistan.
- Raid broke sovereign borders, and killed Pakistani civilians.
- Liberation movements in Egypt, Syria, and Libya has made the policy work with nations to pressure dictators step down.
- Criticized for not supporting Israel enough in Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

- Criticized Obama for the policies he says are weakening the nation and its international standing as well as the view of the US using good force to spread influence in the world.
- Wants to bring an "American Century" where the US "leads a free world and frees the world from leads."
- Although, some of his views are similar to that of Obama's. Main difference is visibility.
- Advocates sanctions, coalitions-building and other diplomatic moves.
- Works with allies to arm the Syrian rebels but did not want US military involvement.


- Education reform that builds on the No Child Left Behind Law
- Changing requirements that states feel are too "heavy"
- "Race to the Top" program awarded states more than $4.3 billion by creating plans to improve teacher quality and student results.
- "Race to the Top" program to replace No Child Left Behind.

- "A Chance for Every Child" emphasizes school choice, accountability, and qualified teachers.
- "A Chance for Every Child" gives low-income parents and special needs students to choose where to go to school.
- Educational equity balanced with government restraint.


- Criticized for not mentioning immigration reform during his first 2 years when Democrats ruled over the house and senate.
- Halted the deportation of immigrants under 30 who either graduated high school or served in the military.
- The halt of the deportation was said to allow to "focus our resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people."

- Said he would do more than Obama did in his first term.
- Wants to secure borders (ex building a border fence).
- Create a way to citizenship for those who served in the military or for children who came with their parents.

Health Care

- Able to pass the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) in 2010.
- Obamacare wants a sweeping set of reforms aimed to help more Americans get health insurance.
- Supreme Court ruled Obama care as constitutional, a tax.

-Wants to repeal the Affordable Health Care law.
- As a governor, signed a health care bill into a law that penalized citizens in the state for not having health insurance.
- Plan was limited to the state, meant to provide every citizen with health insurance.

Becoming The President of the United States


Process to Become the President of the United States
1. Must fulfill the requirements of being the president.( CLICK FOR REQUIREMENTS)

Primaries and Caucuses: All individuals have their own opinion on how the government should work. 
2.Candidates from each political party campaign to win the favor of their party members.
3. Caucus - Party members discuss their favored candidate to one another.
4. Primary - Party members vote for their favored candidate, in which they believe will reflect their own opinions of how the government should be run.

National Conventions:
5. Each party holds a a national convention to select a final presidential nominee.
6. During each convention, the finalist selects a vice presidential running mate.

Campaign to the Masses:
7. The presidential nominee travels throughout the nation, advertising their campaign. Many messages will be shown on advertisements, mainly social media.

General Election: The Popular Votes
8. People in every state vote for one president and vice president.
9. When these people vote, they are actually voting for a group of people, known as electors.

Electoral College:
10. Each state has a certain number of votes, depending on the representation in Congress. Whichever party garners the majority of popular votes, wins all of the electoral votes for that state.(CLICK TO VIEW MAP)
11. Each elector casts one vote following the general election.
12. Candidate who wins more than half (270/538) of the votes, wins.

13. Congratulations! The President and the Vice-President are inaugurated in January.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fun Facts About The Presidential Nominees!

Obama fun facts:
• He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics
• He was known as "O'Bomber" at high school for his skill at basketball
• His name means "one who is blessed" in Swahili
• His favourite meal is wife Michelle's shrimp linguini
• He won a Grammy in 2006 for the audio version of his memoir, Dreams From My Father 
• He is left-handed – the sixth post-war president to be left-handed
• He has read every Harry Potter book
• He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali
• His favourite snacks are chocolate-peanut protein bars
• He can speak Spanish
• His favourite book is Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
• He visited Wokingham, Berks, in 1996 for the stag party of his half-sister's fiancé, but left when a stripper arrived
• His desk in his Senate office once belonged to Robert Kennedy
• He applied to appear in a black pin-up calendar while at Harvard but was rejected by the all-female committee.
• His favourite music includes Miles Davis, Bob Dylan, Bach and The Fugees
• He took Michelle to see the Spike Lee film Do The Right Thing on their first date
• He enjoys playing Scrabble and poker
• He hates the youth trend for trousers which sag beneath the backside
• He repaid his student loan only four years ago after signing his book deal
• His house in Chicago has four fire places
• Daughter Malia's godmother is Jesse Jackson's daughter Santita
• He says his worst habit is constantly checking his BlackBerry
• He uses an Apple Mac laptop
• He keeps on his desk a carving of a wooden hand holding an egg, a Kenyan symbol of the fragility of life
• His late father was a senior economist for the Kenyan government

10 Romney fun facts: 

10 – He once worked as a security guard for Chrysler.
9 – He was once arrested for ‘disorderly conduct’ after he continued boating against a park ranger’s orders. 
8 – His full name is Willard Mitt Romney. 
7 – Mitt’s cousin, Meredith Romney was kidnapped in Mexico and held for 3 days in a cave. 
6 – Mitt's father was born in Mexico to American parents. 
5 – One of his biggest regrets is not having more children. 
4 – Romney is a Mormon.
3 – He once helped rescue a family of 6 in New Hampshire after their boat sank. 
2 – Hot dogs are one of Romney’s guilty food pleasures. 
1 – He has five sons.

The Economy

Has said he doesn't want to raise taxes on the middle class, but would on the rich class. Revealed a plan in February to change the corporate tax rate from 35% to 28%, and pay for the reduction by removing "dozens" of business tax breaks. Extend Bush-era tax cuts for those earning less than $200,000 (single) or $250,000 (married). Plan would hurt small business owners, many of whom earn over $250,000 in hopes of making up some of the revenue lost by the government. Future plan to create $6.4 trillion annual deficits between 2013 and 2022. Unemployment rate hasn't changed much, rate still around 8.2%. Tried to improve manufacturing jobs in the United States and push exports through free trade agreements, and support education and training.

Wants to cut taxes, reduce current top paid rate from 35% to 28%. Said he also plans to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax. Tax cuts are said to increase economic growth and fill in some of the revenue gap. He has prepared to limit deductions, exemptions, and credits to finish the job. Repeal the Affordable Care law and reducing federal government work force to reduce spending. Repeal health care reform, privatizing Amtrak, cut funding to Planned Parenthood, cut funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, and cut foreign aid.. Improve efficiency and effectiveness by reducing federal work force and waste. To increase jobs, he wants to put heavy investment in "Human Capital", retain workers and develop a competitive American workforce by raising visa caps for skilled workers.

President Debate 3. Monday: October 22, 2012

Location - Lynn University (Florida)
Topic - Foreign Policy
Process -  The topic will be divided into 6 time segments - 15 minutes each on the topics. Topics are announced several weeks in advanced. The moderator will open each segment with a question, then candidates will each have 2 minutes to respond.
Reactions - 
"Both candidates, they made it clear that they want to treat China as a partner and that they want China to play by the rules, he'll [Romney] designate China as a currency manipulator," - Wang Feng, director of the Brookings-Tsinghua Center in Beijing.
"So who won the debate today? I know who lost. Afghans. Little mention of war, except for w/drawal. Differences not so different from e/o," - Twitter user by the name Subel

President Debate 2. Tuesday: October 16, 2012

Location - Hofstra University (New York)
Topic - Town meeting, including foreign and domestic policy
Process - Citizens, who are undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization , will ask questions dealing on the topics. Candidates will each have 2 minutes to respond.
Reactions - 
"They have to keep those folks in mind. It's a much more intimate and up close adventure with voters. The candidate that makes a connection with the person asking the question is also making a better connection with the person back at home," - Candy Crowley, CNN Chief Political Correspondent
"Don't over-correct. Don't go from being too passive in the first debate to too aggressive in the second," - Paul Begala, Democratic strategist and CNN contributor

Vice President Debate. Thursday: October 11, 2012

Location - Centre College (Kentucky)
Topic - Domestic and Foreign Policy
Process - Topics are to be divided into 9 segments - 10 minutes each. The moderator will ask the question in which the candidates are to each have 2 minutes to respond.
Reactions - 
"The vice president came and showed fight. He showed his boss what it is to engage and engage and engage and attack and attack and attack," - John King, CNN Chief National Correspondent
"Even if we thought he was making good points, I think that they stepped on his good points. He was trying to cram everything in that he could that wasn't in the last debate to try and get it all out at once. But I don't think he made any kind of coherent argument as to why the Obama-Biden ticket should be re-elected." - Russ Schriefer, Senior Romney Campaign Adviser

President Debate. Wednesday: October 3, 2012

Location - University of Denver (Colorado)
Topic - Domestic Policy
Process - The topic will be divided into 6 time segments - 15 minutes each on the topics. Topics are announced several weeks in advanced. The moderator will open each segment with a question, then candidates will each have 2 minutes to respond.
Reactions -
"I think that Governor Romney is certainly a skilled debater. And last night he was able to elevate his level of performance. But he did not change the fundamental dynamics of this race, nor did he change some of the policies that actually got us into the economic mess that we have," - Martin O'Malley, Maryland Governor
"Obama didn't seem like he wanted to be there. He needs to be much more aggressive. He let Romney get away with stuff he shouldn't have." - John Geer, Chairman of Vanderbilt University's Political Science Department

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Role of Political Parties

The functions of political parties are to:
- Bring people together to achieve control of the government
- Develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them
- Organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates to office. 

Although very much involved in the operation of government at all levels, political parties are not the government itself, and the Constitution makes no mention of them. 

National Party Convention

 Political parties nominate their candidates every August of presidential election years at National Party Conventions, which is a meeting of "delegates" from each state.   
Conventions can be characterized by having big parties with lots of balloons and confetti, usually can be view on television with speeches from candidates.

Delegates are selected by: 
- Presidential Primary are state-sponsored elections that select delegates to national nominating conventions. It can be open to any voter ("open") or only to voters registered in a party ("closed"). Keep in mind that voters who choose to register within a party and vote in a primary election are not average voters, as they knowledgeable in politics and are extreme when in comes to their opinions!
- State Party Convention is a closed meeting elected state party committee-members, who select national delegates.
- Caucus is a meeting where any affiliated voter can come and select individuals to serve as delegates in favor of a candidate. Neighborhood delegates go to the county convention, county delegates go to the state convention, and state delegates go to the National Party Convention Delegates.